Will Martin

Will Martin is a carbon credit trader, focused on trading credits from emissions trading programs like the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Will worked at Tesla as a regulatory credit trader for credits generated by charging electric vehicles and from power generated by wind and solar. Prior to Tesla, Will was a renewable energy deal lead at Chevron, originating offtakes, partnerships and investments in biofuels and carbon. To date, Will has executed over a billion dollars of renewable energy and carbon deals. Will draws from his background in sales and strategic planning to identify, structure and execute on opportunities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance the Energy Transition. Will started his career in traditional energy as a sales manager for offshore oil drilling rigs in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Will founded the Dubai chapter of the Young Professionals in Energy and has volunteered with organizations focused on the decentralization of financial systems and internet connectivity. Will has an MBA from Cornell where he was a Park Leadership Fellow and president of the Energy Club.

Will has traded:
• Carbon Offsets
• California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Credits
• California Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) for South Coast Air Quality Management District (SC AQMD), Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Bay Area AQMD), etc.
• Oregon Clean Fuels Program (CFP) Credits
• Washington State Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) Credits
• US Federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Electric Vehicle RINs (eRINs) (D3 RINs and D5 RINs)
• British Columbia Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Credits (formerly Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Regulation (RLCFRR))
• Canada Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR) Credits
• German Treibhausgasminderungsziele (THG) Credits (aka eQuoten, Quoten, 38. BImSchV, THG-Quote, Treibhausgasquote)
• Netherlands Hernieuwbare Brandstof Eenheden (HBE) Credits
• Austrian Kraftstoffverordnung (KVO) Credits
• French TIRUERT E-Credits (Taxe incitative à l’utilisation d’énergies renouvelables dans les transports - formerly TIRIB Taxe incitative relative à l’incorporation des biocarburants)
• French CEE Credits (Certificats d’Economie d’Energie)
• Denmark Biobrændstofloven Upstream Emissions Reduction credits (opstrømsemissioner reduktioner) (UER-kreditter)
• US Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
• European Guarantees of Origin (GoOs / GOs)
• Australian Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs)
• International RECs (I-RECs)
• Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)
• Biodiesel

You can contact Will on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Ice Chat (wmartin10).

You read Will's Blog here.